Therapeutic Massages
Therapeutic massage encompasses a range of massage techniques used in the treatment of neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders, facilitating the elimination of toxins, activating blood and lymphatic circulation and improving the supply of oxygen to the tissues.
You have 3 options available within our therapeutic massages:
- Decontracting Massages
- Decontracturizing Massages + Diathermy
- Indian Head-Cervical Massage
You have the explanations of the different options and their prices below, read on!
1 person
55 minutes
High Intensity
Available options
Explore all the options available for this service.

55 min
Indian Head-Cervical Indian
A therapy originating in India that focuses on the head and neck.

55 min
Decontracturizing Massage + Diathermy
The synergy of diathermic treatment and therapeutic massage.